The EFOY Pro charges batteries fully automatically. The integrated charge controller permanently monitors the charge level of 12 and 24 V batteries. When the battery voltage drops below a predefined level, the EFOY Pro starts automatically and switches off again once the battery is charged. This results in reliable, continuous power, reduces the amount of batteries needed and extends the lifetime of the batteries since deep discharge damages are prevented. Via an inverter, you can also operate 230 V devices. The EFOY Pro produces electricity from the fuel in the fuel cartridges and oxygen from the air. In operation, the only by products are waste heat and water vapor containing an insignificant amount of carbon dioxide. It is extremely eco-friendly.
A fuel cell is an alternative power generator. It transforms chemical energy into electrical energy directly, with no intermediate steps, no moving parts and with no significant loss in energy, making it a particularly efficient source of power. A lot of patented innovation has gone into our units, making the EFOY Pro fuel cell a marvel of miniaturization, a lightweight but high-powered, long-lasting performer. SFC’s proprietary technology has positioned EFOY fuel cells to lead the field in fuel cell systems for off-grid and mobile applications.
The heart of the EFOY Pro fuel cell is the stack. The stack consists of several cells with an anode, a cathode and a membrane that acts as an electrolyte, separating the anode and the cathode from each other. Positively charged electrical particles (protons) can permeate the membrane. Methanol and water are introduced on the anode side, while ambient oxygen enters the cathode side. H+ ions, free electrons and carbon dioxide arise on the anode side. The protons can permeate the membrane, while the electrons have to travel over an electrical circuit to the cathode side, thereby producing electrical current. H+ ions and oxygen generate water vapour on the cathode side, making EFOY fuel cells an extremely environmentally friendly way to generate electricity.
- 100 % Reliability and Operating Safety: 100 % power availability thanks to hybrid operation of battery and fuel cell. The battery is continuously monitored and recharged by the EFOY Pro fuel cell, for non-stop operation of your application. The EFOY Pro will produce electricity in any weather, climate or season, from the desert to the Arctic Circle. The high power reliability with EFOY Pro eliminates downtime costs.
- Long Periods of Autonomy, Maintenance-free: EFOY Pro fuel cells supply maintenance free Off-grid power for several months without any user intervention. EFOY Pro uses liquid methanol, a fuel with superior energy density. Ten liters of methanol, weighing a mere 8.4 kg, generate 11.1 kilowatt hours. Two 28 liter fuel cartridges can power a 25 watt device for approx. 15 weeks.
- Remote Monitoring: The EFOY Pro fuel cell can be remote monitored. It will inform the user in time when a fuel cartridge has to be replaced, provide planning security, reduce administrative and maintenance costs by ensuring that the system is running perfectly.
- Lightweight and Compact: Weighing in at a mere 9 kg (20 lbs) and measuring 43 x 19 x 28 cm (17 x 8 x 11 in), the EFOY Pro fits into any switch cabinet and is easily carried to remote sites. .
- Quiet and Emission-Free: The EFOY Pro produces no harmful emissions. In operation, it only emits carbon dioxide and water in small quantities. Thanks its environmental friendliness it can be operated in nature preserves or inside vehicles and rooms. EFOY Pro fuel cells are also suitable for covert power supply, working without detectable vibrations, noise, exhaust or heat.

- Reliable off-grid power for long periods of autonomy: The EFOY Pro is the perfect power generator for remote monitoring and data acquisition systems, and also for disaster management equipment. The reason: EFOY Pro fuel cells produce fully automatic, maintenance free energy supply for long periods of time. For example, up to 100 days of autonomy can be achieved when powering a 50 W device. Thanks to the 100 % power reliability provided by the fuel cell, downtime problems and costs of your application are eliminated.
The fuel cell can be remotely controlled and monitored, informing you in time when a fuel cartridge needs to be replaced. This provides you with planning security and you can always be sure that your system is running perfectly.
- Significant cost reduction: EFOY Pro fuel cells are a turnkey energy solution: Just place them on your site and integrate them into existing cabinets for reliable, hidden off-grid power. Simply connect the EFOY Pro to your batteries and experience significantly extended autonomy of your applications and reduced on site visits and costs associated with recharging or replacing the batteries.
- Lightweight and compact power supply: The EFOY Pro is a lightweight and compact off-grid power source and therefore portable on demand. By integrating the EFOY Pro into the EFOY ProCube, together with an EFOY fuel cartridge and a battery, you have an all-in-one turnkey energy solution that can easily be placed anywhere you need power – at temporary construction sites or events, where they will reliably power CCTV and any other electrical applications.
- Environmentally friendly: Quiet, emission free off-grid power for the inner city and nature preserve areas.
The EFOY Pro fuel cell can be used without limitations in the inner city, at night and in nature preserve areas, as it does not produce harmful emissions. The only gases emitted are carbon dioxide and water, in small quantities. In addition, power generation takes place noiselessly, thus ensuring that neighbors or wildlife will not be disturbed.
- Silent Surveillance and Observation: By integrating an EFOY Pro fuel cell inside a car, you can supply power to all on-board equipment without ever having to start or run the engine for charging your batteries. The EFOY Pro will supply silent, undetectable off-grid power, ensuring optimum mission results of undercover operations.
- Low emissions, no heat, no noise: The emissions of an EFOY Pro fuel cell are comparable to the breath of a person, just water and small amount of carbon dioxide, protecting both the environment and the user inside a vehicle. You can work directly next to an EFOY Pro fuel cell in a closed vehicle safely and for long periods of time. Measuring devices and telecommunication equipment are not influenced or impacted by the EFOY Pro.
- Quiet and Non Detectable: The EFOY Pro fuel cell is suitable for silent watch operations. A running fuel cell inside a car cannot be recognized from the outside. No vibrations, noise, exhaust or heat is detectable.

Download Flyer: Case Study Chemical Injection Pumps
The Application
Electric chemical injection pumps are used for injecting chemicals into natural gas pipelines at remote well-sites, to prevent hydrate blockage.
Power demand: Between 7 and 30 W
Energy demand: approx. 700 Wh/day
Autonomy demand: At least 4 months without user intervention, especially during wintertime
The Challenge
Assure 100% reliable operation in remote locations, harsh climate conditions and cold environments. Lengthen service intervals as much as possible and cut the cost of fuel as well as the environmental impact caused of gas venting for pneumatic pump operation.
The Solution
Provide reliable off-grid electrical power with an EFOY Pro 2400 Duo or a hybrid power solution by teaming up an EFOY Pro fuel cell and solar system.
The Benefits
- Economical and almost zero greenhouse gas duties – The oil and gas industry wants to diminish CO2, cut costs and increase efficiency. Since the EFOY Pro produces no harmful emissions whatsoever, it is suitable for operating oil & gas equipment in nature preservations. Prevents highly inefficient propane/methanol use for pneumatic power or thermal electric generators.
- 100 % reliable power around the clock and in any type of weather – The EFOY Pro will produce electricity in any weather, climate or season, from the desert to the Arctic Circle, as long as it is properly integrated and fuel supply is guaranteed.
- Extended operation without any user intervention – Teamed up with two 28 liter EFOY fuel cartridges, one EFOY Pro can power a 10 Watt pump for over 16 months without any user intervention.
EFOY Pro saves cost while protecting the environment
Download Flyer: Case Study Scada Systems
The Application
SCADA communication and control equipment allows monitoring and control of production e.g. flow rates, liquid levels, valve operation, etc.
Power demand: Between 5 and 20 W
Energy demand: approx. 120 and 480 Wh/day
Autonomy demand: At least 4 months without user intervention especially during wintertime
The Challenge
Provide sufficient power around the clock, especially in wintertime, with low solar intensity and low temperatures. Prevent low-power events that may cause equipment to shut down and in turn lose production, and may require a repair team to travel to site to restart and reconfigure control software parameters.
The Solution
Team up existing solar panels and batteries with an EFOY Pro 2400 Duo for reliable and flexible off-grid power, integrated into an adequate enclosure in order to ensure operating reliability in extreme winter conditions.
The Benefits
- 100 Percent Operating Reliability – Save costs by assuring power supply in any type of weather. Properly integrated and with guaranteed fuel supply, the EFOY Pro will produce electricity in any weather, climate or season. Thousands of dollars can be saved per day because loss of production is prevented.
- Long Periods of Maintenance free Autonomy – EFOY Pro fuel cells offer maintenance-free energy supply for several months. Teamed up with four 28 liter EFOY fuel cartridges, one EFOY Pro can power a 10 Watt SCADA system for over 16 months without any user intervention.
- Economical and almost zero greenhouse gas duties – The oil and gas industry wants to diminish CO2, cut costs and increase efficiency. Since the EFOY Pro produces no harmful emissions whatsoever, it is suitable for operating oil & gas equipment in nature preservations. Prevents highly inefficient propane/methanol use for thermal electric generators.
EFOY Pro ensures operability saves costs and protects the environment – all at once!
Download Flyer: Case Study Pipeline Security
The Application
Mobile and stationary audio and video surveillance systems are used to ensure physical protection and observation of pipelines and other critical infrastructure.
Energy demand: between 600 and 2400 Wh/day
The Challenge
Critical infrastructures such as pipelines are often subject to vandalism and theft. In order to position CCTV systems at places where observation is needed an essential exists need for reliable off-grid power, especially in case of no mains grid access. This can result in high cost for grid connection, high administrative effort and long term planning.
The Solution
Provide reliable off-grid electrical power with an EFOY Pro or a hybrid power solution by teaming up EFOY Pro fuel cells with your existing solar panels.
The Benefits
- Optimized Location of Surveillance Equipment for Higher Security – Locate cameras at places where observation is the most necessary, regardless of grid access, shady trees etc. EFOY Pro fuel cells supply reliable off-grid power and ensure operating safety without limitations.
- Reduction of Administrative and Logistics Costs & Effort – EFOY Pro fuel cell is a turnkey energy solution which can be placed on site anywhere outside, in the EFOY ProCube or integrated into existing cabinets.
- Long Autonomy and Reliability – EFOY Pro fuel cells offer a maintenance free off-grid power supply for several months. Up to 50 days of autonomy can be guaranteed when powering a 50 W CCTV application.
- Concealed Installation– The EFOY Pro is lightweight, compact and flexible and therefore portable on demand. It can also be easily installed into existing cabinets or outdoor boxes – theft and vandalism proof.
Download Flyer: Case Study Obstacle Lights
The Application
For safety reasons an uninterrupted power supply is needed during construction phase and longer maintenance periods for obstacle lights and pumps.
Power demand obstacle lights: Between 50 and 100 W
Power demand pumps: Approx. 25 W
Energy demand: between 600 and 2400 Wh/day
The Challenge
During construction and maintenance work, no grid access is available but operation safety for obstacle lights and pumps still has to be guaranteed. Autonomy of up to three months is required, resulting in high service and operating cost for batteries and generators and high maintenance effort.
The Solution
Provide reliable off-grid power with a maintenance free and environmentally friendly EFOY Pro fuel cell, which will power your application for several weeks or even months without ever requiring user intervention.
The Benefits
- Autonomous and Reliable off-grid Power Supply for Weeks – The EFOY Pro will produce electricity in any weather, climate or season, from the desert to the Arctic Circle. Helicopter flights to the wind power plants are avoided, saving an abundance of cost (around 30.000 € per flight).
- Maintenance free power for long term use – EFOY Pro is maintenance free, the consumption of fuel can be calculated very accurately beforehand, allowing precise planning and avoiding unnecessary trips to exchange batteries every two days – reducing operating cost.
- Easy and quick installation – The EFOY Pro is lightweight, compact and can easily be integrated into the tower or nacelle.
Download Flyer: Case Study Wind Measurement
The Application
Wind measurement systems (LIDAR, SODAR and masts)
Power demand: Between 7 and 150 W
The Challenge
Power supply for data acquisition has to be reliable and provide long term autonomy.
Generators influence acoustic measurements and batteries have to be exchanged every two to three days.
The Solution
Provide reliable off-grid power with a maintenance free and environmentally friendly EFOY Pro fuel cell, that will produce autonomous power for your application for weeks up to months.
The Benefits
- Long Autonomy and Reliability – The required autonomy can be achieved by equipping the power solution with sufficient fuel to work for weeks on end. Reliable power is available 24/7. The EFOY Pro will produce electricity in any weather, climate or season and balances out the energy gap if used in a hybrid with solar. Loss of data due to interruptions in power supply is avoided.
- Maintenance-free power for long-term use – EFOY Pro is maintenance-free and the consumption of fuel can be calculated very accurately beforehand, allowing precise planning and avoiding unnecessary trips to exchange batteries every two days – reducing operating cost.
- Environmentally-friendly – The EFOY Pro fuel cell does not produce any exhausts that harm the environment or influence measurements.
Download Flyer: Case Study Road Weather Stations
The Application
Road weather stations measure different parameters on roads and bridges, as for example fog, rain, snow, ice and road temperature to ensure road safety and prevent casualties.
Energy demand: between 300 and 1200 Wh/day
The Challenge
Provide sufficient off-grid power around the clock, especially during wintertime, with low solar intensity and low temperatures. Solar alone does not supply reliable energy, especially in critical weather and the dark seasons.
The Solution
Team up existing solar panels and batteries with an EFOY Pro for flexible off-grid power solutions, integrated into a cabinet.
The Benefits
- Weather Independent – Teaming up EFOY Pro fuel cells with solar combines the best of both technologies. As long as the sun delivers enough power, the fuel cell remains in standby. When solar intensity goes down, the fuel cell steps in and fills the energy gap by recharging the battery → Reliable off-grid power around the clock, 24/7, 365 days a year.
- 100 % Reliability ensures 100 % data collection. Downtime costs are avoided; road surface warnings are issued reliably when needed.
- Long autonomy – EFOY Pro fuel cells offer a maintenance free off-grid power supply for several months. Up to 50 days of autonomy can be achieved when powering a 50 W monitoring device.
EFOY Pro supplies reliable off-grid power independent of weather conditions and for long periods of time without any user intervention.
Download Flyer: Case Study Road Weather Stations
The Application
Speed cameras are used in stationary and mobile traffic surveillance systems to monitor speed limits for increased road and public safety in cities and in the countryside.
Power demand: between 50 and 125 W
Energy demand: approx. 1200 – 3000 Wh/day
The Challenge
Places where accidents occur frequently often have no access to the mains grid. If a speed camera is to be positioned there it requires reliable off-grid power, as costs for grid connection are high, and installation will require much administrative effort and long term planning.
The Solution
Provide reliable off-grid power with an EFOY Pro or a hybrid power solution by teaming up an EFOY Pro fuel cell with your existing solar system.
The Benefits
- Flexible installation of Speed Camera for Higher Safety – Place cameras at places where accidents and speeding occur frequently, regardless of grid access, shady trees etc. EFOY Pro fuel cells supply reliable off-grid power and ensure operating safety without limitations.
- Reduction of Administrative Cost & Effort – EFOY Pro fuel cell is a turnkey off-grid power solution which can be placed directly on site, in the EFOY ProCube or integrated into existing cabinets.
- Long Autonomy and high Reliability – EFOY Pro fuel cells offer maintenance free off-grid power for several months. Up to 103 days of autonomy can be achieved when powering a 50 W speed camera. Due to the 100 % reliability of EFOY Pro fuel cells, downtime costs are avoided.
- Concealed Installation– The EFOY Pro is lightweight, silent, compact and flexible. It is easily installed into existing cabinets or outdoor boxes – theft and vandalism proof.
EFOY Pro saves administrative cost, effort and time while increasing flexibility
Download Flyer: Case Study Stationary CCTV
The Application
Stationary audio and video surveillance systems are used for physical protection and observation, boarder protection, public safety, event security, nature observation. They are often installed covertly for undercover surveillance.
Power demand: Between 25 and 50 W
The Challenge
Semi stationary and stationary surveillance systems often do not have access to the mains grid, limiting the possibility of installing CCTV at remote areas.
The Solution
EFOY Pro fuel cells provide reliable off-grid power for weeks on end, without requiring maintenance.
The Benefits
- Long autonomy – The EFOY Pro fuel cell will produce off-grid power 24/7 in any weather, climate or season. As long as a fuel supply is assured, the EFOY Pro will automatically generate power as needed. Autonomy of the CCTV system can be lengthened depending on the size of the fuel cartridge employed.
- Easy installation – theft and vandalism proof – The EFOY Pro fuel cell is lightweight, compact and can easily be installed into existing cabinets and outdoor boxes. Inside a suitable enclosure, the EFOY Pro fuel cell is safe from theft or vandalism.
- Non detectable – The EFOY Pro fuel cell is suitable for silent watch operations. It is silent in operation and easily camouflaged when integrated into surroundings that do not attract attention. A running, integrated fuel cell cannot be recognized from the outside. No vibrations, noise, exhaust or heat are detectable.
- Emission free – The EFOY Pro fuel cell only has minimal impact on the environment. Only small amounts of water vapor and CO2 are emitted, allowing its use in nature reserve areas.
The EFOY Pro fuel cell ensures reliable off-grid power supply of all kinds of surveillance systems
Download Flyer: Case Study Mobile Surveillance
The Application
Many governmental vehicles need onboard power for many days and weeks to supply onboard electronic devices eg. to capture and process images or audio files to command control vehicles or recording devices.
Power demand: Between 15 W (single digital camera) and 150 W (multi-channel video processing and transmission including IR lighting)
Autonomy demand: Ranging from 10 hours to and 24h shifts to up to 12 weeks for covert surveillance operations
Areas of Application:
- Border patrol, customs, command and control vehicles, ambulances, covert surveillance, and many more
The Challenge
Long autonomy is needed to avoid turning on the engine, enable positive mission results of undercover operations, and provide flexibility and safety for the operators. The energy source has to fit in a standard passenger car, without producing signature.
The Solution
Up to two EFOY Pro fuel cells are directly connected to the onboard battery, charging it on demand. Electronic devices are connected to the onboard battery, supplying 12 V DC and, if necessary, 230 V AC current.
The Benefits
- Long Autonomy – Long Mission Duration – With EFOY Pro on board you can connect up to two M28 fuel cartridges containing 5,200 Ah (at 12 V) of energy in total, providing power for up to 50 weeks, powering devices with a total consumption of 50 W.
- 100% reliability – Ensured by hybrid operation of battery and fuel cell. The battery is continuously monitored and recharged by the EFOY Pro fuel cell. Remote monitoring and early empty cartridge warnings can be employed via a GSM module.
- Non detectable – The EFOY Pro fuel cell is suitable for silent watch operations. A running fuel cell inside a car cannot be recognized from the outside. No vibrations, noise, exhaust or heat is detectable.
EFOY Pro fuel cell is an ideal off-grid power source for powering on board equipment for many weeks, without emissions and without ever having to start the engine.
Download Flyer: Case Study Environmental Data
The Application
An abundance of environmental data is collected every day for surface water level measurements, waste water management, weather stations, avalanche detection systems, seismic detection, as well as measurements of gas and radiation. This data has to be collected reliably in order to assure and improve disaster management.
Energy demand: between 200 and 2500 Wh/day
Autonomy demand is very high due to location remoteness of the measurement systems.
The Challenge
Provide reliable power around the clock, especially during wintertime, with low solar intensity and low temperatures. Solar solutions alone do not supply reliable off-grid power, especially in critical weather and the dark seasons.
The Solution
Team up existing solar panels and batteries with an EFOY Pro fuel cell for ultimate off-grid power reliability, integrated into a cabinet.
The Benefits
- Long autonomy and reliability – EFOY Pro fuel cells offer maintenance free off-grid power for several months. Up to 100 days of autonomy can be achieved when powering a 50 W monitoring device. Operating costs are reduced while reliable data acquisition is guaranteed.
- Easy installation and handling – An EFOY Pro fuel cell is compact and lightweight and can easily be integrated into existing cabinets. Once installed all that is needed is an occasional fuel cartridge exchange. This event can be calculated and planned very closely beforehand; the fuel cell can be remote controlled, making extra trips to the site unnecessary.
- Emission free operation – The EFOY Pro fuel cell has minimal impact on the environment. Only small amounts of water vapor and CO2 are emitted, allowing its use in nature reserve areas.
EFOY Pro supplies reliable off-grid power, independent of weather conditions and for long periods of time without any user intervention.
Download Flyer: Case Study Continuous Power
The Application
Repeater stations are often situated in locations difficult to access, as they transfer telecommunication signals to isolated areas.
Energy demand: between 20 and 250 W
Autonomy demand: Several months
Energy demand: between 200 and 2500 Wh/day
Autonomy demand is very high due to location remoteness of the measurement systems.
The Challenge
Provide reliable, weather independent off-grid power with an easy handling, low maintenance energy solution.
The Solution
Repeater Stations: Team up EFOY Pro fuel cells with solar panels, wind generators and batteries for independent off-grid power even in remote locations.
The Benefits
- Increased runtime and autonomy – Continuous power supply for repeater stations: EFOY Pro fuel cells offer maintenance free off-grid power for several months. Up to one year of autonomy can be achieved when powering a 20 W repeater station with EFOY Pros in hybrid combination with solar.
- 100 % Reliability – EFOY Pro fuel cells are lightweight. This reduces the need for large and heavy batteries, enabling easing installation and handling processes.
Easy installation and handling – An EFOY Pro fuel cell is compact and lightweight and can easily be integrated into existing cabinets. Once installed all that is needed is an occasional fuel cartridge exchange. This can be calculated and planned very closely beforehand. The fuel cell can be remotely controlled, making extra trips to the site unnecessary.
EFOY Pro provides reliable, weather independent off-grid power at remote sites while reducing logistics costs.
Download Flyer: Case Study Continuous Power
The Application
Base transceiver stations (BTS) are often situated in locations difficult to access and require reliable back up power in case of power outages in order to assure the availability of public communication systems.
Energy demand of low power BTS: between 500 and 700 W
Autonomy demand: 3 to 5 days for back up power
The Challenge
Provide reliable back up power with an off-grid power solution that is easily handled and involves low maintenance effort.
The Solution
Cluster up to 8 EFOY Pro fuel cells and hybridize with batteries
The Benefits
- Increased runtime and autonomy – EFOY Pro fuel cells achieve autonomous back up power for up to 10 days without user intervention, giving you enough time to resolve the power outage problem.
- Lightweight – EFOY Pro fuel cells are lightweight, reducing the need for large and heavy batteries (up to 2.5 t per transceiver station) and thus easing installation and handling processes.
- Easy installation and handling – An EFOY Pro fuel cell is compact and lightweight and can easily be integrated into existing cabinets. Once installed all that is needed is an occasional fuel cartridges. This can be planned calculated very closely beforehand; The fuel cell can be remotely controlled, making extra trips to the site unnecessary.
EFOY Pro provides reliable back up off-grid power at remote sites while reducing weight and logistics costs
Download: Technical Specifications (GB) (45.89 KB)
Fuel Cells | EFOY Pro 800 | EFOY Pro 800 Duo | EFOY Pro 2400 | EFOY Pro 2400 Duo |
Max. Nominal Power | 45 W | 45 W | 110 W | 110 W |
Min. Nominal Power1 | 25 W | 25 W | 80 W | 80 W |
Nominal Voltage | 12 V dc / 24 V dc | 12 V dc / 24 V dc | 12 V dc / 24 V dc | 12 V dc / 24 V dc |
Min. Nominal charging current at 12 V / 24 V | 2.1 A / 1.05 A | 2.1 A / 1.05 A | 6.7 A / 3.3 A | 6.7 A / 3.3 A |
Recommended battery capacity2 at 12 V Recommended battery capacity1 at 24 V |
40 to 160 Ah 10 to 100 Ah |
40 to 160 Ah 10 to 100 Ah |
60 to 350 Ah 30 to 175 Ah |
60 to 350 Ah 30 to 175 Ah |
Weight | 8.0 kg (17.6 lbs) | 8.3 kg (18.3 lbs) | 9.0 kg (19.8 lbs) | 9.3 kg (20.5 lbs) |
Connectable cartridges (with DCS1) | 1(2) | 2(4) | 1(2) | 2(4) |
Length fuel cartridge connector | 70 cm | |||
Switching threshold for automatic battery charging at 12 V / 24 V2 | On: <12.3 V / <24.6 V Off: > 14.2 V / > 28.4 V |
Required start-up voltage at 12 V / 24 V | >9 V / >18.5 V | |||
Noise level (at 1m / 7m distance) | 42 / 25 dB(A) | |||
Quiescent current draw | 20 mA | |||
Nominal Consumption3 | 0.9 l / kWh | |||
Operating temperature | -20 °C to +50 °C (-4 °F to +122 °F) | |||
Recommend altitude | Standard up to 1500 m (4920 ft), up to 2000m (6561 ft) possible | |||
Dimensioins L x W x D | 433 x 188 x 278 mm (17 x 8 x 11 in) | |||
Inclination along the roll axis | Permanent: max 35°; temporary (<10 min); max 45° | |||
Inclination along the lateral axis | Permanent: max 20° | |||
User-Interface | At the unit or via Operating Panel OP2 with text display | |||
Data-Interface | RJ-45 plug for accessories (e.g. Interface adapter) | |||
Electrical Interface | MNL-plug 4-pins (e.g. Tyco Electronics Universal Mate-N-Lok – Nr. 350779) |
1 Nominal power varies by ±10 %, decreases with the operation hours. Specification valid within warranty period.
2 Depends on battery type and application – bigger batteries possible, if additional energy source available (e.g. solar)
3 Effective consumption depends on operating conditions

EFOY fuel cartridges are safety tested and certified by the TUEV Germany. They were specifically developed for EFOY fuel cells. EFOY fuel cartridges can be exchanged in seconds. It is a simple and clean process.
EFOY fuel cartridges for industrial applications are available in 5 liter, 10 liter and 28 liter cartridges. If you have a higher demand for autonomy, simply connect two cartridges to one fuel cell using the DuoCartSwitch. With two M28 fuel cartridges a 25 W application can run for up to 15 weeks fully autonomously.
Fuel Catridges | M5 | M10 | M28 (only with M28-Adapter) |
Volume | 5 l (1.32 gallons) | 10 l (2.64 gallons) | 28 l (7.4 gallons) |
Weight | 4.3 kg (9.5 lbs) | 8.4 kg (18.5 lbs) | 22 kg (48.5 lbs) |
Nominal Capacity | 5.5 KWh | 11.1 kWh | 31.1 kWh |
Dimensions L x W x D | 190 x 145 x 283 mm | 230 x 193 x 318 mm | 420 x 280 x 360 mm |
Autonomy @ 50 W | 110 h | 220 h | 622 h |

Brochure 2nd Generation EFOY Pro
EFOY Pro Flyer 1st Generation
Oil & Gas
Wind Industry
Environmental Data
Traffic Management
Technical Data EFOY Pro 2nd Generation
Technical Data EFOY Pro 1st Generation
Technical Data EFOY ProEnergyBox
Technical Data EFOY ProCube
Technical Data EFOY ProCabinet
Safety Data Sheets
Instructions in Writing
User Manual EFOY Pro 2nd Generation
User Manual EFOY Pro 1st Generation
User Manuals Accessories
User Manual EFOY Updater
Installation Tips
Hints for external control of EFOY Pro
Secure Transportation Mode for EFOY Pro during winter
Warranty Regulations 2nd Generation
Warranty Regulations 1st Generation
Security & Surveillance
Traffic Management
Environmental Data
Special Vehicles

EFOY ProCube is a complete, mobile and maintenance-free off-grid power supply solution – ready for use anytime and anywhere.
- No modification or integration work required – You can adjust the EFOY ProCube according to your needs by integrating the right EFOY Pro fuel cell, battery and fuel cartridge.
- Suitable for outdoor applications and easy to conceal.
- Hybrid compatible – e.g. as back-up or extension for solar energy systems
Download: Technical Data

Application of the EFOY ProEnergyBox
The EFOY ProEnergyBox has been developed for use in all climate scenarios at temperatures from – 40 °C to + 50 °C (- 40 °F to + 122 °F).
Long autonomy – available in two sizes
The EFOY ProEnergyBox is available in two sizes. In the smaller EFOY ProEnergyBox one EFOY Pro fuel cell generator and up to two M28 fuel cartridges can be integrated. The larger EFOY ProEnergyBox has space for two EFOY Pro fuel cell generators and up to four M28 fuel cartridges. A long autonomy without any user intervention is warranted.
Extended temperature range from – 40 to + 50 °C (- 40 °F to + 122 °F)
Thanks to effective temperature regulation, the heat given off by the EFOY Pro fuel cell generator can be used in sub-zero temperatures to keep the energy solution warm and also prevent the battery and the electronics inside from freezing. An effective heat conduction system has been implemented for high ambient temperature environments in order to protect the components inside the box from heat.
Space for customer-specific installations and adaptable to the customer`s wishes.
The EFOY ProEnergyBox provides enough space for customer-specififc installations. It can be adapted to the customer’s wishes.
Hybrid compatible
The EFOY ProEnergyBox is hybrid compatible and ideal as back-up or extension for solar energy systems.

Outdoor Energy Solution
EFOY ProCabinet is an outdoor energy solution for remote power supply on the basis of EFOY Pro fuel cells – no access to mains grid necessary! Power is supplied when and wherever it is required. EFOY ProCabinet consists of a Rittal cabinet equipped with EFOY Pro fuel cells, batteries, cabling and power distribution for 24 V.
EFOY fuel cartridges equip an additional cabinet right next to the power cabinet, and deliver up to 62 kWh of electrical energy for the EFOY ProCabinet. By adding optional accessories, for example, an inverter, a GSM module or a second EFOY Pro fuel cell, the EFOY ProCabinet can be customized to accommodate individual power requirements.
EFOY ProCabinet supplies power for:
- sensors for traffic monitoring and environmental data
- measurement equipment in order to monitor water levels or environmental impacts
- surveillance cameras and repeater stations
- backup power supply for critical telecommunication systems and sensitive steerings
EFOY ProCabinet can be used in island mode or as backup power supply. For example, when powering sensors that have an average power demand of 25 W, EFOY ProCabinet supplies sufficient energy for up to 2500 operating hours without user intervention. As backup power supply for critical infrastructure, EFOY ProCabinet even supplies sufficient energy for several years.
Technical Data of EFOY ProCabinet
EFOY Pro in hybrid with solar combines the best of both technologies
EFOY Pro fuel cells will cooperate with numerous other off-grid power sources like solar modules, wind and water generators. This will improve energy efficiency and give you optimum flexibility in planning your application.
Combining EFOY Pro fuel cell with a solar module combines the best of both technologies. As long as the sun is shining, the solar module provides power. As long as the sun delivers sufficient energy, the EFOY Pro fuel cell remains in stand-by mode. For bad weather, darkness and winter, when the sun cannot deliver enough energy to power your application, the EFOY Pro fuel cell recharges the battery. This combination provides you with an optimum of reliability, is easy to be combined and installed and is very economical.
Read more on application scenarios of EFOY Pro fuel cells in hybrid with solar modules.